About The Hernando Quilters’ Guild
The Hernando Quilters Guild was originally formed in 1991, incorporated in 1995 and
continues to promote a love for quilting to this day. Our logo for over 32 years is still
the Mariners Compass pattern. Our guild has grown to over 130 members. We are a
friendly and talented group that includes all quilting skill levels. The guild consists of
local Florida residents and part time traveling snowbirds.
Our members enjoy learning and sharing techniques that build on already tried and true
quilting basics. We achieve this through various activities:
Classes Annual Mystery Quilt Annual Quilt Retreat
Show & Tell Quilt Challenges Monthly Shop Field Trips
Block of Month Opportunity Quilt Quilt Shows (every 3 years)
Members donate time and skills to making charitable quilts that address needs in our
community. We sew kennel pads which aid in natural disasters, both local and national.
Monetary donations are sent directly to a local food bank monthly and contributions are
made annually to designated charities in the local community.
Monthly meetings are full of activities:
Fat Qtr Raffle Block of Month Raffle Show & Tell
50 /50 Raffle Mystery prize Raffle Social free time
Class sign up Free Table (member donated items)
** A lot of members go out to lunch after meetings **
Occasionally our guild invites local shops to share the latest in quilting ideas and
products. We also vary guild meetings by offering demonstrations, games and group
activities. We invite you to be our guest!
Please Join Us! Our guild meets on the 4th Thursday of the month (except Nov the 3rd
Thursday & holiday party early December), door opens 9:30am. Meeting location is
Krueger Enrichment Center at 392 Beverly Ct, Spring Hill FL.